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Hi dear friends,

This site is built to keep you informed on the status of our project ki nan 5yèm seksyon tou pre lopital la nan Bokozèl, Haiti. This project will require a lot of efforts, times and money to bring it to completion. First of all, I want you to know that I am not building this temple to show off. Not at all! God chose me to build this temple a while ago, though I resisted Him at first. Then, God started to confirm this project though friends and even through people that I do not even know. I accepted this task just because I am His servant, and working to advance the cause of Christ redemption for mankind seems to be the way that God wants me to go. It’s not an easy task. Therefore, I am asking you to do the following three things for me:

1)Keep this project in your prayer. You and I know that there are unseen forces in this world that will fight to stop this project from going forward. We cannot fight again these forces through carnal weapons for apostle Paul says in Ephesians 6:12 that, “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” That is the main reason why I need you, dear friend, to pray for this project. I know that the devil will try everything that he possibly can to stop this project. But, through your prayer and God’s help, we will prevail.
2)Pray for a clear guidance from God. Sometimes, our pride can stand on the way of God’s work just because we are humans. The flesh can mess our efforts up and causes us to be our own failure. Throughout the whole construction process, I want to do only the things that God wants for this project, not what I want. As you know, there is a fine line between our will and God’s will. Therefore, having clear guidance from God is absolutely important so that I can stay true to His will for this project from the beginning to the end.
3)Pray for the financial needs of this project. Everything in this world is done with money and building a church makes no exception. This project will cost a lot of money to bring it to completion due to the fact that construction materials are expensive in Haiti. This is where you, my dear friends, come in. God needs your financial support for this project. You can give according to the way that God has enabled you to give. There is no limit on what you can give. I am counting on everyone reading this note to participate in funding this project. Remember, as Christians, the best investment we make is the one that advances the cause of Christ to save the lost souls. Bring your financial support to help us. If you have questions regarding this project, you can click here to send me a message.
For donation, click here!

May God bless you!